Games and/or play are often used in educational context as mediation. The resulting teaching or training activitys are however difficult to assess. To set up a model to allow evaluating these activitys, we choose to enrich an existing grid, that was developed in 2006 by Sara de Freitas and Martin Oliver, centered on pedagogical considerations. We propose to add dimensions relating to the game, the humans involved, and their interactions with the game. The resulting grid takes into account COntext, LEarner, Course scenario, Teacher, plaY aNd Game, making the Colectyng framework. The model was then confronted to literature to see if we could complete the grid and whether all elements could fit in the model, assuming that the collecting framework would act as a meta-model. Altogether our analysis suggest that the colectyng framework indeed acts as a metamodel that could give a general view and could facilitate the articulation between more specialized models. Game-based learning Evaluation