temas em destaque temas sobresalientes 41 número 35 . ano/año 11 . jan/ene -abr 2023 .
Palavras-chave:infância, cuidados, etnografia, agrolocalidades médias. temas em destaque temas sobresalientes 57 número 35 . ano/año 11 . jan/ene -abr 2023 .Children who take care of themselves and others in a medium agrolocality of the Argentine humid pampas: An anthropological approach
ABSTRACTIn hegemonic common sense and in many public policies, children are often thought of as recipients of care carried out by adult relatives or institutional agents. In this article, we intend to problematize some stereotyped assumptions about childhood, intergenerational relationships and children's agency, based on an ethnographic approach to the specific social practices of boys and girls from a popular neighborhood in a medium-sized agrolocality of the Argentine humid pampas, who actively care for themselves, other children and adults. The work evidences the leading role of girls and how they build support networks, collective strategies and multiple knowledge, evidencing their capacity for social agency, even in the difficult conditions in which they live. Thus, we aim to review the gaps that exist between the normative ideal of childhood and the experiences of flesh and blood children in specific contexts.