“…Furthermore, because all block 4 variables are assumed to be linear combinations of their indicators, PLS does not suffer from improper solutions and factor indeterminacy, as sometimes occurs in the context of CBSEM (e.g., Bollen 1987;Chen et al 2001;Krijnen et al 1998). Fornell and Robinson (1983) Yes Yes Fornell, Robinson, and Wernerfelt (1985) Yes Mayo and Qualls (1987) Yes Yes Qualls (1988) Yes Yes Yes Zinkhan and Fornell (1989) Yes Yes Yes Fornell, Lorange, and Roos (1990) Yes Yes Barclay (1991) Yes Alpert, Kamins, and Graham (1992) Yes Fornell (1992) Yes Yes Graham, Mintu, and Rodgers (1994) Yes Yes Yes Green, Barclay, and Ryans (1995) Yes Yes Yes Fornell et al (1996) Yes Yes Smith and Barclay (1997) Yes Yes Dawes, Lee, and Dowling (1998) Yes Yes Sirohi, McLaughlin, and Wittink (1998) Yes Yes Yes Ahuja, Galletta, and Carley (2003) Yes Yes Yes Arnett, Leverie, and Meiers (2003) Yes Yes Yes Yes Vanhamme and Snelders (2003) Yes Yes White, Varadarajan, and Dacin (2003) Yes Yes Yes Anderson, Fornell, and Mazvancheryl (2004) Yes Yes Cotte and Wood (2004) Yes Dellande, Gilly, and Graham (2004) Yes Gray and Meister (2004) Yes Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer (2004) Yes Yes Grégoire and Fisher (2005) Yes Hennig- Thurau et al (2006) Yes Ulaga and Eggert (2006) Yes Yes Venkatesh and Agarwal (2006) Yes Yes Hennig-Thurau et al (2007) Yes Mitchell and Nault (2007) Yes McFarland et al (2008) Yes First, it seems that PLS has prompted increasing interest among researchers in recent years.…”