The article examines the problems associated with the environmental situation in resource-producing regions, the causes of which are associated with air pollution, soil, water bodies, etc. as a result of human activity, waste from industrial, including coal enterprises. To reduce the negative impact on these processes, as well as to control the ecological state, it is necessary to monitor, including from the chemical point of view, the dynamics of changes in the state of the environment, as well as its impact on a person, his life activity and the surrounding social infrastructure. We are talking about the degree of influence of the level of pollution on human health, on the quality of food consumed and industrial production, which ultimately has a significant impact on the quality of life and demographic processes at the regional level. The necessity of constant chemical monitoring of the composition of the atmospheric air of industrial cities, which is affected by human economic activity, is emphasized. This is especially true for the coal industry, depending on its distance from industrial centers, the state of treatment facilities and socio-economic opportunities for the use and application of "green" technologies. The use of scrubbers ("wet") ash collectors, traditional methods of water treatment, including the use of settling tanks and filter treatment facilities at coal mining enterprises, etc. contribute to the use of cleaning products for the reclamation of land disturbed by coal mines as a result of economic activities. Environmental policy should be implemented in accordance with the regional environmental standard adopted in the Kemerovo Region as part of the development strategy until 2035 and aimed at ensuring environmental-oriented and energy-efficient economic growth.