DOI: 10.3329/jbs.v16i0.3738
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Enzyme Activities and Degradation of Nutrients in Chickpea (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.) Seeds during Germination

Abstract: Enzyme activities and degradation of seed storage substances were investigated in BARI-1, BARI-2 and BARI-3 varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seed at different germinating periods. Among the varieties, the highest amylase activity was found in BARI-2 and lowest in BARI-3 during germination at 45 hours in water. The maximum activity of invertase was found in BARI-2 and minimum in BARI-1 at 72 hours of germination. Lipase activity was highest in BARI-2 and lowest in BARI-1. The highest protease activity… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 20 publications
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“…The highest lipase activity was observed on the first day of germination in all treatments (Figure 1A), except in 2.0 mg/100g samples, where the highest activity was reached in the third and fourth day (43% and 19% more activity than sprouts germinated without selenium). A similar trend was previously reported by [23] for sesame seeds, where the highest lipolytic activity was reached at the fourth day of sprouting. The fact that lipase activity has a biphasic behavior (Figure 1A), has been also reported for coffee sprouts and it is associated with the activity of different iso enzymes (lipases I and II).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 91%
“…The highest lipase activity was observed on the first day of germination in all treatments (Figure 1A), except in 2.0 mg/100g samples, where the highest activity was reached in the third and fourth day (43% and 19% more activity than sprouts germinated without selenium). A similar trend was previously reported by [23] for sesame seeds, where the highest lipolytic activity was reached at the fourth day of sprouting. The fact that lipase activity has a biphasic behavior (Figure 1A), has been also reported for coffee sprouts and it is associated with the activity of different iso enzymes (lipases I and II).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 91%
“…amylase, proteases and lipase that hydrolyse sugar, protein and lipid in to monomers respectively. The materials reserve in the cotyledons and endosperm are hydrolysed and transferred to the growing region (Rahman et al, 2008). The results are also well correlated with the finding of Bhardwaj et al, (2009) they reported that along with other biochemical parameters, photosynthetic pigments, total soluble sugar, starch content decreased as concentration of heavy metals was increased.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 86%
“…This positive correlation between the activities of amylase and reducing sugar is helpful for germination of seeds under adverse conditions. Rahman et al (2008) reported that the during the seed germination, a number of hydrolysing enzymes become active i.e. amylase, proteases and lipase that hydrolyse sugar, protein and lipid in to monomers respectively.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The metabolic changes occurring in the early stages of germination are the result of the activities of various enzymes that cause breakdown of reserve materials in the seed (3,4) and exist in an active or inactive state. With the change in temperature, the system adjusts accordingly by a shift in the statistical frequency distribution of enzyme conformations.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%