Study design Prospective population-based epidemiological study on traumatic spinal cord injury in Ireland Objectives To provide updated data for the global TSCI repository Setting Republic of Ireland Methods All cases of TSCI acquired during 2016 were included. ISCoS core dataset was collected on all cases. Descriptive statistics are reported. Results Overall crude incidence of TSCI was 12.8 per million (61 cases). Males accounted for 75.4%. Mean age at onset was 52.8 (19.9) years. Falls was the most common aetiology, 60.7% and AIS D was the most common injury level/AIS classification, 32.8%. The majority of patients (59%) were discharged home. Conclusions Overall incidence of TSCI has changed very little since 2000 but many aspects of injury such as age and aetiologies are different. This data can now be included in the next TSCI global mapping update. Sponsorship Health Research Board, Ireland.