Non-classical crystallization suggests that crystals can grow with nanoparticles as a building block. In this case, the crystallization behavior depends on the size and charge of the nanoparticles. If charged nanoparticles (CNPs) are small enough, they become liquid-like and tend to undergo epitaxial recrystallization. Here, the size effect of SiC CNPs on film crystallinity was studied in the hot-wire chemical vapor deposition process. To do this, SiC nanoparticles were captured under different processing conditions—in this case, wire temperature, precursor concentration and the filament bias. Increasing the temperature of tungsten wires and decreasing the ratio of (SiH4 + CH4)/H2 reduced the size of the SiC nanoparticles. When the nanoparticles were small enough, an epitaxial SiC film approximately 100-nm-thick was grown, whereas larger nanoparticles produced polycrystalline SiC films. These results suggest that the size of the CNPs is an important process variable when growing films by means of non-classical crystallization.