CV. Eja Nursery is one of the rubber plantations located in Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan. Indonesia is the second largest rubber producer in the world. Based on the initial observations it was found that there was not ergonomic work environment at CV. Eja Nursery. Not ergonomic work environment will interfere with the productivity of farmers' work. Given the importance of ergonomics in agriculture, the International Labor Organization (ILO) in collaboration with the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) developed an ergonomics approach to improve safety and health in agriculture, which was named the Ergonomic Checkpoint in Agriculture. Based on this concern, research on the evaluation of ergonomics working condition is conducted in CV. Eja Nursery using Ergonomic Checkpoint in Agriculture. The results showed that 27.6% of the working conditions at CV. Eja Nursery needs improvement. This means the working conditions at CV. Nursery is mostly in accordance with ergonomics standards in agriculture. Aspects that require attention are providing welfare facilities and organization and work schedules.