Some dynamical properties of an ensemble of trajectories of individual (non-interacting) classical particles of mass m and charge q interacting with a time-dependent electric field and suffering the action of a constant magnetic field are studied. Depending on both the amplitude of oscillation of the electric field and the intensity of the magnetic field, the phase space of the model can either exhibit: (i) regular behavior or (ii) a mixed structure, with periodic islands of regular motion, chaotic seas characterized by positive Lyapunov exponents, and invariant Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser curves preventing the particle to reach unbounded energy. We define an escape window in the chaotic sea and study the transport properties for chaotic orbits along the phase space by the use of scaling formalism. Our results show that the escape distribution and the survival probability obey homogeneous functions characterized by critical exponents and present universal behavior under appropriate scaling transformations. We show the survival probability decays exponentially for small iterations changing to a slower power law decay for large time, therefore, characterizing clearly the effects of stickiness of the islands and invariant tori. For the range of parameters used, our results show that the crossover from fast to slow decay obeys a power law and the behavior of survival orbits is scaling invariant. The formalism of escape is used to study the dynamics and hence the transport of charged particles in an accelerator. The model consists of a periodically time dependent electric field limited to a certain region in space that furnishes or absorbs energy of a particle. After the particle leaves the electric field region, a constant magnetic field impels the particle to move in a circular trajectory. This magnetic field is responsible for bringing the particle back to the electric field region leaving the energy unchanged. The control parameters e and s represent the amplitude of the time-dependent electric field and the inverse of the magnetic field, respectively. The parameter e defines the nonlinear strength while ps defines the time that the particle spends in the magnetic region. The dynamics can be described by a two-dimensional nonlinear mapping. Depending on both e and s, the phase space presents either regular or mixed structure. For e ¼ 0, the nonlinear term vanishes and the particle's energy is constant in time. For s ¼ 1; 3; 5; …, there is a strong correlation between the frequency of oscillation of the electric field and the intensity of the magnetic field, and as a consequence, the motion of the particle is regular. For different control parameters than those discussed, the phase space presents mixed structure with islands of regular motion surrounded by chaotic seas and invariant KAM curves that prevent the particle from acquiring unbounded energy gain. We study the escape of particles through a hole in the phase space placed in the velocity axis by considering the position of the lowest energy KAM curve. An ensemb...