Nonlinear charge transport in semiconductor superlattices under strong electric fields parallel to the growth direction results in rich dynamical behaviour including the formation of electric field domains, pinning or propagation of domain walls, self-sustained oscillations of the current and chaos. Theories of these effects use reduced descriptions of transport in terms of average charge densities, electric fields, etc. This is simpler when the main transport mechanism is resonant tunnelling of electrons between adjacent wells followed by fast scattering between subbands. In this case, we will derive microscopically appropriate discrete models and boundary conditions. Their analyses reveal differences between low-field behaviour where domain walls may move oppositely or parallel to electrons, and high-field behaviour where they can only follow the electron flow. The dynamics is controlled by the amount of charge available in the superlattice and doping at the injecting contact. When the charge inside the wells becomes large, boundaries between electric field domains are pinned resulting in multistable stationary solutions. Lower charge inside the wells results in self-sustained oscillations of the current due to recycling and motion of domain walls, which are formed by charge monopoles (high contact doping) or dipoles (low contact doping). Besides explaining wave motion and subsequent current oscillations, we will show how the latter depend on such controlling parameters as voltage, doping, temperature, and photoexcitation.