“…So if we want to show how they are interlinked, we need to pay attention to the unspoken aspects of the discourses, to the silent principles of division that underlie them, to the affective charge that runs through them, and even to the way in which one process of social segmentation may be expressed in the terms of another. (Bonnafous, Jouët, Rieffel, 2003); "Sexe & Communication" (Bouchard, Froissart, 2004); "Espaces politiques au féminin" (Fleury, Walter, 2005); "Usages politiques du genre" (Desmarchelier, Rennes, 2005); "Femmes et médias: le 8 mars à la Une" (Coulomb-Gully, Bonnafous, 2007); "Penser le genre en sciences de l'information et de la communication et au-delà" and "Penser le genre en sciences de l'information et de la communication et au-delà (2)" (Fleury, Walter, 2009a;2009b); "Médias:…”