The kinetics of the hydrolysis of dipeptide and tripeptide substrates by the recently discovered neutral protca\e from Vihrio species T1800 (vimelysin) were studied. In the pH dependence of the apparent second-order rate constant, the pK,, value of vimelysin (~6 . 5 ) was significantly lower than thermolysin (8.3 1. although the pK,, (~5 . 1 ) values were comparable (5.0). The kJKn,,,i,,,l parameter for hydrolysis of Fua-Gly-PheNH2 (Fua = furylacryloyl) was more than sevenfold greater than for Fua-Gly-LeuNH,. This higher specificity for Fua-Gly-PheNH, was deduced for both k,,, and K,, parameters. Fua-Phe-PheNH, showed the highest kc,r,lKn,,app) value of the six substrates studied. The discrimination between PheLeu at the PI' site was most evident when the PI site was not sufficiently filled.Reflecting the characteristically high proteolytic activity of vimelysin at lower temperatures [Oda, K., Okayama, K., Okutomi, K., Shimada, M., Sato, R. & Takahashi, S. (1996) Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 60, 463 -4671, the Arrhenius plot of the apparent second-order rate constant for the hydrolysis of Fua-GlyLeuNH2 showed an inverse temperature dependence ; higher reaction rates were observed at lower temperaliires. This was not merely due to the pK:, shift nor to thermal denaturation of the enzyme coupling, but rather to the kcilr,+,,,) parameter, which alone showed an inverse temperature dependence. A model containing two temperature-dependent forms of the active enzyme was postulated to explain this unique temperature dependence.Keywords : neutral protease ; vimelysin ; metalloprotease ; temperature dependence ; Vibrio.Several metal-containing neutral proteases have been found in various microorganisms. Of these proteases, thermolysin, a thermostable microbial neutral protease [ 11, and its homologous enzymes from Bucillus sp. have been the target of many studies on their catalytic properties [2-61 and structure [7, 81. We have also studied some o l the kinetic aspects of these enzymes [9-161. Metallo-neutral proteases have also attracted much attention, especially with the relation to membrane-bound metal-containing endopeptidases [17-191, and the structural and mechanistic aspects of inhibitor interactions have been studied 120-
241.Recently, Oda et al. isolated and purified a neutral protease from Vibrio sp. T1800 (the species is not specified yet) [25]. They found that this enzyme, named vimelysin, has no similaritiy in its N-terminal sequence with metallo-endoproteases from Bacillus sp. and is considerably different in its catalytic properties. It showed high proteolytic activity at lower temperatures and had characteristic specificities for some natural polypeptides [26].In the Vibrio species, several alkaline proteases have been isolated; some of these enzymes have been reported to show some of the characteristics of metallo-proteases [25 -301.Vimelysin has considerable similarity in its N-terminal sequence (1-20) with these enzymes [25, 31. 321. However,Correspu~idence to S. Kunugi,