is one of the important factors controling the accumulation
and exploitation of coal measures gas. In this work, a water source
identification method based on hydrochemistry, stable isotope, 129I and 14C dating is first established; then,
the source, age, and evolution of coal measures water in the Central-South
Qinshui Basin are clarified. The results reveal that the hydrogeological
environment of coal measures water in Carboniferous-Permian is between
semiclosed and open, with free water exchanging. The coal measures
water in the Guxian and Shizhuangnan blocks are Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3 types, respectively, while the closed coefficients
are 1.77 and 322.75, respectively. Therefore, the water is attributed
to river water or shallow groundwater in the Guxian block and deep
groundwater in the Shizhuangnan block. The age of coal measures water
is 1.51–20.61 Ma, which indicates that the water in coal measures
at the present stage is a mixture of a little paleo sedimentary water
and massive modern meteoric water and that the modern meteoric water
recharge lasted until 1950. The above achievements deepen the understanding
of the coal measures reservoir type and also guide the optimal selection
and co-exploration and -exploitation of coal measures gas.