This article proposes a novel magnetoelectric (ME) effect-based ternary content addressable memory (TCAM). The potential array-level write and search performances of the proposed ME-TCAM are studied using experimentally calibrated compact physical models and SPICE simulations. The voltage-controlled operation of the ME devices eliminates the large joule heating present in the current-controlled magnetic devices and their low-voltage write operation makes them more energy-efficient compared to static random access memory-based TCAMs (SRAM-TCAMs). The proposed compact TCAM outperforms its SRAM counterpart with 1.35× and 14.4× improvements in search and write energy, respectively, and its nonvolatility eliminates the standby leakage. We project an error rate below 10 −4 while considering various sources of variation in magnetic and CMOS devices. At the application level, using memory-augmented neural networks (MANNs), we project a 2× energy-delay-area-product (EDAP) improvement over an SRAM-TCAM. 12 13 14 INDEX TERMS BiFeO 3 (BFO), magnetoelectric (ME), ME-magnetic random access memory (MRAM), memory-augmented neural network (MANN), micromagnetic, multiferroic, ternary content addressable memory (TCAM).I. INTRODUCTION 15 W ITH the ever growing limits imposed by intercon-16 nects, novel computing paradigms that may reduce 17 data traffic between logic and memory have become more 18 attractive. Various in-memory computing approaches [1] 19 are therefore being explored in the context of different 20 applications/domains such as neural networks [2], associative 21 memories [3], spin-torque nano-oscillators [4], probabilistic 22 computing [5], and reservoir computing [6]. Ternary content 23 addressable memory (TCAM) is an associative memory that 24 performs parallel data searches over a memory array and 25 outputs if/where a match occurs. TCAMs have been used 26 in a variety of applications, such as few-shot learning [7], 27 [8], deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) read alignment [9], 28 deep random forest [10], and hyperdimensional comput-29 131 proper choice of device parameters, this would happen only 132 when there is a mismatch between the stored and search data. 133 If the search bit is ''X,'' then SL and SL are grounded, 134 which prevents T3 from discharging ML. If the stored bit 135 is ''X,'' then both MTJs are in the anti-parallel state and 136 V fix∼V s/2 . We use appropriate threshold voltages to ensure 137 that V s /2 is adequately lower than the threshold voltage of 138 T3 to prevent T3 from discharging ML. Table 2 summarizes 139 the search operation for all possible stored and search bits 140 combinations. It should be noted that kV s < V s /2, where 141 k ≡ R p /(R p + R ap ) (R p and R ap are the resistances of the 142 MTJs in the parallel and anti-parallel state, respectively).143Hence, the worst case in terms of the margins and the leakage 144 current in T3 is when a ''don't care'' bit is stored. V s values 145 and MTJ device parameters are discussed later in Section IV.