This article is written as a report of the design phase of assessment instrument models of blended learning in higher education. This study is to identify the assessment models which accommodate three instructional domains, namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. It is important work to be designed and developed remembering the massive increase of the blended learning implementation, especially in higher education and the complexity of the skills must be mastered by the undergraduate students to survive in a digital era. The design stage of this research is based on the framework of ADDIE Model, states that the design should be conducted with the result of need analysis, such as a) undertaking an inventory task, b) composing performance objectives, c) generating testing strategies, and d) considering the effectivity and efficiency of developed instruments. From the findings, it then was drawn a result the map of a brief design of blended learning assessment model. Therefore, the researchers embody it to be triangle formation involving self-assessment, peer assessment, and lecturer assessment. This triangle model is expected to accommodate the three domains of learning in the implementation of blended learning assessment.