Engelsjord, M. E. and Singh, B. R. 1997. Effects of slow-release fertilizers on growth and on uptake and leaching of nutrients in Kentucky bluegrass turfs established on sand-based root zones. Can. J. Plant Sci. 77: 433-444. Sports fields constructed on sand-based root zones are generally permeable to water and nutrients, and potential contaminants of the groundwater. This study was conducted to determine the effect of slow-release and water-soluble fertilizers on growth, nutrient uptake and leaching from a sand-based Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) turf. Two root zone mixtures and two N rates were investigated in two independent lysimeter experiments. In the first experiment (1) the 80:20 sand-peat mixture gave better growth and darker-colored turf than the 60:40 sand-peat mixture. Only RC-NPK and water-soluble NPK treatments in this experiment gave acceptable turf quality for the entire growing season. Frequent application with water-soluble fertilizer or spring application with slow-release carriers gave generally <5 mg L -1 NO 3 -N in the leachate. In the second experiment (2) application of 300 or 450 kg N ha -1 (either as spring or spring/summer application) as urea-ammonium-nitrate (UAN) (gel) did not give desirable turf growth during the entire period of investigation. Sulfur-coated urea gave generally better turf quality than UAN, but not as good as biweekly compound NPK fertilization. Irrespective of fertilizer N rate, the leaching losses of N varied from 1.1 to 2.9%, giving average NO 3 -N concentrations in the leachate for all treatments <2 mg L -1 . Sandy soil used for sports turf, and fertilized with SCU and RC-NPK, or frequent and small amounts of water-soluble N carriers, appears not to create any serious environmental concern in southern part of Norway where the rainfall is moderate.Key words: Kentucky bluegrass, leaching, nitrogen, nutrient uptake, sand-based rootzone, slow-release fertilizers Engelsjord, M. E. et Singh, B. R. 1997. Effets d'engrais à libération lente sur la croissance de l'herbe ainsi que sur l'absorption et sur les pertes par délavage des éléments nutritifs dans les pelouses de pâturin du Kentucky installées en sols sableux. Can. J. Plant Sci. 77: 433-444. Les terrains de sport construits sur sols sableux sont généralement perméables à l'eau et aux éléments fertilisants ainsi qu'aux contaminants éventuels de la nappe phréatique. L'objet de nos travaux était de déterminer l'effet des engrais retard et des engrais hydrosolubles sur la croissance du gazon et sur les pertes par délavage des éléments nutritifs dans une pelouse du pâturin du Kentucky (Poa pratensis L.) installée sur sols à dominance sableuse. Deux mélanges de terre de surface et deux doses de fumure N étaient comparés dans deux expériences distinctes en lysimètres. Dans la première expéri-ence (I), le mélange sable-tourbe en proportions 80:20 donnait une meilleure croissance et un gazon plus foncé que le mélange en proportions 60:40. Seuls les traitements au NPK à enrobage de résine et au NPK hydrosoluble per...