This research aimed to employ two methods of calculation to obtain the bending modulus of elasticity in wooden specimens of Paricá (Shizolobium amazonicum), a simplified, adapted from the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190, and another alternative based on the least squares method, in order to compare the efficiency of both. Therefore, some defects in wood specimens were created, based on the combination between the positions of the rips (damage) along the axis of the pieces (8.63, 17.25 and 25.86 cm) and their respective lengths (5, 10 and 15 mm), leading to a full factorial design of the type 3 2 , providing nine different combinations, apart from the reference condition (specimens without defects). The results of the confidence intervals revealed that the modulus of elasticity for both ways of calculation were equivalent for non-defective pieces, which did not occur with the inclusion of the defects in the specimens. In analysis of variance, the position, the length of the defects and the interaction between both proved to be not significant in the modulus of elasticity obtained from the methodology adapted from the Brazilian standard, which did not occur with the modulus of elasticity obtained from the least squares approach, proving to be more accurate than the simplified methodology, thus, emphasizing the importance of its use.