A first-order problem in earthquake studies is understanding the linkage between rupture at the surface and the underlying seismogenic fault. Specifically, what do spatial patterns of surface displacement reveal about fault rupture at seismogenic depths? For a number of historical surface rupturing earthquakes, deformation has been shown to be highly localized, for example in the 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake (Rockwell & Klinger, 2013). In contrast, other surface-rupturing earthquakes have produced highly distributed surface faulting patterns, with significant deformation distributed tens to hundreds of meters from the primary rupture traces (e.g., Gold et al., 2015; Rockwell et al., 2002; Zinke et al., 2019). Understanding the spatial patterns associated with localized versus distributed faulting has potential implications for magnitude-and length-displacement scaling relationships developed for surface-rupturing earthquakes (Wells & Coppersmith, 1994), as well as geologic investigations focused on characterizing displacement recorded by offset landforms used to calculate fault slip (