“…[18], [20], and [24]). For a linear system, the quadratic form V (x(n)) = x T (n)Px(n) (7) is a Lyapunov function, which implies that the system is stable, if and only if V (x(n)) > 0, x(n) 6 = 0, V (0) = 0, and 1V (x(n)) = V (x(n+1))0V (x(n)) = x T (n)[A T PA0P ]x(n) = 0x T (n)Qx(n) 0, i.e., if the matrices P and Q = P 0 A T PA are positive definite and positive semidefinite, respectively. While Lyapunov functions for stable linear systems always exist, finding an analytically parametrized matrix P is, in general, a difficult task.…”