A series of measures such as social distance and hygiene rules, curfews and distance education applications, which were put into effect as a result of the Covıd-19 pandemic, which has rapidly affected the whole world and our country, have led to many changes in people's normal living conditions. It has been observed that the explanations that these changes due to the pandemic process cause an increase in the stress levels of adolescents who especially those studying in high school, have been expressed by experts from time to time. This study aims to examine the effect of "Adapted Flow Theory-Based Stress Coping Group Program" for Pandemic Stress Adapted Flow Theory-Based Stress Coping Group Program for Pandemic Stress on high school students' levels of Covıd-19 pandemic stress and coping strategies. The research was carried out using the experimental model. The study group of the research consisted of a total of 20 students, 10 of which were in the experimental group and 10 in the control group, studying in 6 state high schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Kayseri province, Talas district in the 2020-2021 academic year. Within the scope of the research, a 13-session online psycho-education program was applied to the experimental group, and no intervention was made to the control group. The data of the study were obtained by using the "The Strategıes For Copıng Wıth Stress Scale- Resıved", "Coronavirus Anxiety Scale" and "Experience Sampling Form". "Mann-Whitney U Test" was used in the analysis of the data obtained. There was a significant difference among the "Flow Theory-Based Stress Coping Group Program" and "Covıd-19 pandemic stress", "Stress Coping Strategies" total score. Based on the findings, the "Adapted Flow Theory-Based Stress Coping Group Program for Pandemic Stress" reduces the Covıd-19 pandemic stress of adolescents and ıt raises the "Strategy Coping Strategies General Score" of adolescents.