Heart failure frequently involves diastolic dysfunction that is characterized by a prolonged relaxation. This prolonged relaxation is typically the result of a decreased rate of intracellular Ca 2؉ sequestration. No effective treatment for this decreased Ca 2؉ sequestration rate currently exists. As an approach to possibly correct diastolic dysfunction, we hypothesized that expression of the Ca 2؉ binding protein parvalbumin in cardiac myocytes would lead to increased rates of Ca 2؉ sequestration and mechanical relaxation. Parvalbumin, which is normally absent in cardiac tissue, is known to act as a soluble relaxing factor in fast skeletal muscle fibers by acting as a delayed Ca 2؉ sink. As a test of the hypothesis, gene transfer was used to express parvalbumin in isolated adult cardiac myocytes. We report here that expression of parvalbumin dramatically increases the rate of Ca 2؉ sequestration and the relaxation rate in normal cardiac myocytes. Importantly, parvalbumin fully restored the relaxation rate in diseased cardiac myocytes isolated from an animal model of human diastolic dysfunction. These findings indicate that parvalbumin gene transfer offers unique potential as a possible direct treatment for diastolic dysfunction in failing hearts. H eart failure is a leading cause of hospitalization in the U.S., diagnosed in Ϸ700,000 new patients annually (1). About a third of all heart failure involves diastolic dysfunction (2), which frequently is the result of an inappropriate prolongation of the intracellular Ca 2ϩ transients that trigger cardiac muscle contraction (3-6). Consequently, the heart fails to relax appropriately between contractions, leading to an increased stiffness of the myocardium during diastole and thereby generating excessive resistance to filling. Currently there is no clinical treatment that directly ameliorates this prolonged Ca 2ϩ transient. Recent research into alleviating this form of diastolic dysfunction has centered primarily on increasing the rate of Ca 2ϩ uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), either through increased SR Ca 2ϩ pumping rates or increased expression of the SR pump. These are energy-dependent approaches, however, and energy production in failing hearts also is frequently impaired (5, 6). As a different approach, we used adenoviral-mediated gene transfer to express the soluble relaxing factor parvalbumin in cardiac myocytes. Parvalbumin, which is not naturally found in cardiac tissue, is a Ca 2ϩ binding protein whose Ca 2ϩ affinity is intermediate between the thin filament regulatory protein troponin C and the SR Ca 2ϩ pump. This intermediate Ca 2ϩ affinity allows parvalbumin to enhance the rate of relaxation in fast skeletal muscle by acting as a Ca 2ϩ sink to temporarily store Ca 2ϩ before SR uptake (7-9). Relaxation thus becomes dependent on the rate of Ca 2ϩ binding to parvalbumin, independent of energy status, rather than dependent on the slower, energy requiring SR Ca 2ϩ uptake (see Fig. 2 A, Inset). Parvalbumin is thought to be complexed to Mg 2ϩ at rest, ...