“…Thus, the extension is (Krogh, 1984). Blue arrows show extension along the Carthage-Colton shear zone (CCSZ) (Johnson et al, 2004) and Robertson Lake shear zone (RLSZ) (e.g., Streepey et al, 2002Streepey et al, , 2004, along the Ramapo fault in New Jersey (e.g., Costa and Gates, 1993;Gates and Costa, 2006), and inferred from seismic lines across both Ohio (Pratt et al, 1989), and eastern Tennessee (Hopkins, 1995). BG -biotite gneiss (Tollo et al, 2006); AMS -Archer Mountain Suite (e.g., Hughes et al, 2004;unpublished preliminary age: B.V. Miller and M.J. Bartholomew); LA -Labrieville Anorthosite (e.g., Owens and Dymek, 1992;Owens et al, 1994); LAMLac Michel Complex Erdmer, 1990, 1986;Heaman et al, 2002); AMCG -anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite suite; LM -Lovingston massif (Bartholomew and Lewis, 1984); MA -Montpelier Anorthosite (Owens and Samson, 2004;Aleinikoff et al, 1996); MEG -Mount Eve granite (Gorring et al, 2004); PM -Pedlar massif (Bartholomew and Lewis, 1984); RA and RMP -Roseland Anorthosite and Roses Mill pluton (e.g., Herz and Force, 1987; unpublished preliminary ages: B.V. Miller and M.J. Bartholomew); Oaxaquia metamorphism (m) (e.g., Cameron et al, 2004;Keppie et al, 2003Keppie et al, , 2004 widespread and associated with the rapid rise of hot, metamorphic cores (e.g., the Adirondacks) -again analogous to the Basin and Range province and associated metamorphic core-complexes.…”