The effect of intravenous injection of pentagastrin on thepancreatic exocrine secretion in sheep was examined comparing with the response to CCK-8 . Marked decrease of pancreatic exocrine secretion induced by intravenous infusion of atropine suggests that the cholinergic mechanisms play a considerable role in th e control of pancreatic exocrine secretion in sheep1) .The release of secretin from intestinal mucosa2)and the action of secretie and CCK-83)to the exocrine pancreas were not depressed by atropine .The release of CCK from intestinal mucosa was ,h owever,inhibited by atropine,indicating that the release of this hormone is greatl y mediated by the cholinergic mechanism3) .While,gastrin which is secreted by cholinergic stimulation from the gastric and intestinal G cell has the simil ar Cterminal portion of CCK4).If gastrine has respectable effect on exocrine pancreas ,the decreased release of gastrin by atropine should be considered as one of th e reasons in great reduction of pancreatic secretion induced by atropine . Considerable variation has been reported in the response of the pancreas to gastrin depending on the spe cies and experimental conditions .Gastrin stimulated the pancreatic exocrine secretion in dogs5,6,7,8,9),rats10,11),rabbits12)and pigs13) ,but did not stimulate in cats14)and man 15,16,17)though did in some reports18,19) .The role of gastrin as a regulator of pancreatic exocrine secretion has not been proved adeauetiv in sheen .In the present report,the effect of pentagastrin on the pancreatic e xocrine Jpn.J.Zootech. Sci.,