Let G be a finite group and Σ ⊆ G a symmetric subset. Every eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the Cayley graph Cay (G, Σ) is naturally associated with some irreducible representation of G. Aldous' spectral gap conjecture, proved by Caputo, Liggett and Richthammer [CLR10], states that if Σ is a set of transpositions in the symmetric group S n , then the second eigenvalue of Cay (S n , Σ) is always associated with the standard representation of S n . Inspired by this seminal result, we study similar questions for other types of sets in S n . Specifically, we consider normal sets: sets that are invariant under conjugation. Relying on character bounds due to Larsen and Shalev [LS08], we show that for large enough n, if Σ ⊂ S n is a full conjugacy class, then the largest nontrivial eigenvalue is always associated with one of eight low-dimensional representations. We further show that this type of result does not hold when Σ is an arbitrary normal set, but a slightly weaker result does hold. We state a conjecture in the same spirit regarding an arbitrary symmetric set Σ ⊂ S n .