A magneto-optical current sensor, based on a low birefringence SF57 glass prism, using a dual quadrature polarimetric configuration was implemented and tested aiming its application in high voltage power lines. Sensor operation is characterized and compared using distinct Super Luminescent Diodes as optical sources, with emission at 650 nm, 830 nm and 1550 nm. Calibration and resolution are obtained in the different operating conditions using a DAQ board and full digital control for signal acquisition and processing. In particular, the sensor was tested in the range from 0 to 1 kA at 50 Hz. Also, operation at different frequencies from 50 Hz to 400 Hz was compared. A robust casing was fabricated in Nylon material enabling the portability of the sensor and its application in different types of conductors. Preliminary results indicate the feasibility of using the sensor both for metering and protection applications in highpower lines with interrogation via the OPGW cable.Keyword -Magneto-optical current sensor, high voltage power lines, dual polarimetric detection.