The majority of current robotic joints are primarily actuated by rotational mechanisms. These electrical drives have substantially different features than the features found in human muscular systems. This paper presents a cost-effective solution to the backlash of a phenomenon known to cause positioning errors and other undesirable dynamic effects in drives. These errors are particularly pronounced when relatively major changes appear in the pre-load conditions of the motor such as in the case of a robotic leg or arm with a high degree of freedom. Current solutions require an accurate time-varying model of drives that is not available in the majority of practical cases. Therefore, in this paper a digitally controlled mechanical solution is proposed which is inspired by the human flexor-extensor mechanism. The idea is to construct an antagonistic actuator pair analogous to the flexor and extensor muscles. In order to obtain good control performance even in the low-speed range, permanent magnet stepper motors were chosen as actuators that are commutated in a digitally closed-loop fashion. The operation of the controlled structure has been verified in a real experimental environment where measurements showed good results and match with previous simulations.
Nomenclatureb Measure of a backlash as a distance [m] β Measure of a backlash as an angle [rad] r Radius of a gear [m] τ Torque [Nm] i Current [A] I Nominal current [A] θ Angle [rad] J Inertia [kgm 2 ]