In a time of permanent care for environmental protection, energy consumption and conservation of resources, heat pumps are becoming increasingly important as a technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while preservation thermal comfort in build environment. This paper presents the experimental results of air-source heat pump in different real operating conditions, as follows: for space heating by low-temperature underfloor heating when the supply water temperature was set at 38°C, or for domestic hot water heating in the storage tank volume of 180 liters at a temperature of 46°C. In the low-temperature underfloor heating mode, the efficiency of the air-source heat pump could be increased if the maximum temperature at the end of the compression process and the condensing temperature were reduced in the initial phase of the heat pump operation. In the domestic hot water heating mode, the efficiency of the air-source heat pump could be increased if the maximum condensation temperature in the final phase of the heat pump operation was limited.