It is shown that recently observed α cluster states a few MeV above the α threshold energy in 52 Ti correspond to the higher nodal band states with the α+ 48 Ca cluster structure, i.e. a vibrational mode in which the intercluster relative motion is excited. The existence of the higher nodal states in the 48 Ca core region in addition to the well-known higher nodal states in 20 Ne and 44 Ti reinforces the importance of the concept of vibrational motion due to clustering even in medium-weight nuclei with a jj-shell closed core. The higher nodal band and the shell-like ground band in 52 Ti are described in a unified way by a Luneburg lens-like deep local potential due to the Pauli principle, which explains the emergence of backward angle anomaly (anomalous large angle scattering (ALAS)) at low energies, prerainbows at intermediate energies and nuclear rainbows at high energies in α+ 48 Ca scattering. The existence of a K = 0 − α cluster band analog to 44 Ti midway between the ground band and the higher nodal band is inevitably predicted.The α clustering is essential in the 0p-shell and sd shell region and the nuclear structure has been comprehensively understood from the α cluster viewpoint [1]. In the f p shell region, identification of the higher nodal band states with the α+ 40 Ca cluster structure in the fusion excitation functions [2] lead to the prediction of a K = 0 − band, which is a parity-doublet partner of the ground band, in the typical nucleus 44 Ti [3-5]. The observation of the K = 0 − band in experiment [6,7] showed that the α cluster picture is also essential in 44 Ti. Systematic theoretical and experimental studies in the 44 Ti region [8][9][10][11][12][13] confirmed the existence of the α cluster in the beginning of the f p-shell above the double magic nucleus 40 Ca.α clustering aspects in nuclei beyond 44 Ti have been explored in the medium weight mass region around A=50 such as 48 Cr [14,15] and 46,50 Cr [16,17] as well as in the heavy mass region such as 94 Mo and 212 Po [18][19][20][21]. 52 Ti, which is a typical nucleus with two protons and two neutrons outside the doubly closed core 48 Ca analog to 20 Ne and 44 Ti, has been mostly studied in the shell model [22][23][24][25][26][27]. The ground band 0 + , 2 + and 4 + states are selectively enhanced in the α-transfer reactions such as 48 Ca( 16 O, 12 C) 52 Ti [28] and 48 Ca( 12 C, 8 Be) 52 Ti [29]. However a microscopic α+ 48 Ca cluster model calculation with Brink-Boeker force B1 using the generator coordinate method (GCM) [30] did not give the ground band as well as in the α+ 40 Ca cluster model calculation for 44 Ti. On the other hand, Ohkubo et al. [31] and Ohkubo and Hiraoka[32] reproduced the ground band of 52 Ti in the α cluster model with a local potential similar to 44 Ti [3, 4]. No experimental data that suggest clear α cluster states hampered to conclude that the α cluster picture persists in 52 Ti in the jj-shell closed 48 Ca core region. Very recently Bailey et al.[33] reported that they newly observed α cluster states at the highl...