The Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory is used to study the effects of the strain gradient due to the epitaxial stresses in ferroelectric thin films sandwiched between two different substrates. The polarization in the film is found to be nonuniform, resulting in charge offsets and an asymmetric hysteresis response with characteristics similar to those in compositionally graded ferroelectric materials. The authors' results suggest that the charge offset and pyroelectric effects can also be produced with effect of the strain gradient in film. In addition, such effects are found to be sensitive to an applied load. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2335369͔Functionally graded ferroelectrics in the form of either bulk or thin films possess properties 1-8 different from those of homogeneous ferroelectrics. The distribution of the polarization in graded ferroelectric devices is asymmetric and graded, and there is a translation of the hysteresis loop along the polarization axis with an attendant charge offset. As a result of this asymmetry, other properties such as the effective pyroelectric response, temperature dependence of the dielectric behavior, etc., 1,3 are also affected.At the same time, a strain gradient in a uniform ferroelectric thin film may also produce similar effects. [9][10][11][12][13][14] In this letter, we report on our investigation of the effects of the strain gradient caused by the epitaxial stresses in ferroelectric thin films ͑FTFs͒ sandwiched between two different substrates. Following the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire ͑LGD͒ theory, a general model that includes effects of flexoelectricity and stress gradient is formulated and applied.The thickness of the FTF is L, and the thicknesses of the rigid substrates are assumed to be much larger than L, so that the system can be considered to remain flat. The polarization P due to the eigenstrain of the ferroelectric transformation ͑simply called self-polarization͒ is assumed to be perpendicular to the film surface and is homogeneous on the x-y plane. Using the LGD theory and the Legendre transformation, the total free energy per unit area of the film can be written as: 4,9,10,15where A, B, and C are the expansion coefficients of the Landau free energy and D can be approximated as 2 · ͉A͑T − T c0 ͉͒, where T c0 is the Curie-Weiss temperature of the bulk material and is the characteristic length along which the polarization varies. 1 ␥ and are the direct and converse flexoelectric coefficients, respectively. 9,10 Q 12 is the electrostrictive coefficient describing the coupling between the mechanical deformation and the self-polarization. P 0 and P L are the polarizations, and ␦ 0 and ␦ L are the extrapolation lengths at the upper and lower surfaces, respectively. s ij is the elastic compliance tensor. E d ͑z͒ is the depolarization field and E ext ͑z͒ is the external field, which have been defined in Refs. 1, 3, and 4. u is the total biaxial in-plane residual strain in the thin film. x 1 = x 2 = x 0 is the transformation strain given by x...