The surface environment of Venus is unique among rocky planets in our Solar System, with an average temperature of ∼460°C and pressure of ∼93 bars in the lowland plains (e.g., Fegley, 2005). The atmosphere is dominated by CO 2 with trace amounts of corrosive gases such as SO 2 , HCl, and HF (e.g., Zolotov, 2018). Water is present in the atmosphere at low concentrations (10s ppmv), but cannot exist as a liquid on the surface to participate in chemical reactions, like those that dominate the surfaces of Earth and Mars (Fegley, 2005). Because there are no direct analogs to this environment on Earth or elsewhere, and there are currently no known Venusian meteorites, thermodynamic modeling and experiments are critical for understanding weathering processes on Venus.Weathering is the primary exchange mechanism between the solid planet and its surrounding fluid envelope; indeed, the atmosphere at the surface of Venus today is predicted to be a supercritical fluid (Lebonnois & Schubert, 2017). Weathering processes influence the evolution of the atmosphere and climate, as atmospheric gases can be buff-Abstract We report two experiments using 13 mineral and rock samples exposed to a complex synthetic Venus atmosphere composed of nine gases for durations of 30 and 11 days conducted using the NASA Glenn Extreme Environments Rig (GEER). Examination of our run products using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer reveals secondary minerals predominantly formed from reactions of Fe and Ca in the solid samples with sulfur in the atmospheric gas, results largely predicted in the literature, and indicating that such reactions between rocks and the atmosphere at the Venus surface may occur rapidly. Samples that displayed larger degrees of reaction include calcite (forming Ca-sulfate), Fe-Ti oxide (forming an Fe,S phase), biotite (forming an Fe,S phase), chalcopyrite (forming a new Cu,Fe-sulfide and a Ag,Cl phase), and Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt glass (forming a Ca-and S-bearing phase, Fe-and S-bearing phase, and an Fe-oxide); pyrite was observed to be stable in our 30-day experiment. These reactions indicate that the f S2 of the experiments was above or at the high end of what is thermodynamically predicted for the Venus surface. Apatite, feldspars, actinolite, and quartz did not change in this time frame. The presence of multiple S species in the GEER atmosphere may explain the dissimilarities to the style of reactions seen in previous experiments with simpler gas mixtures.
Plain Language SummaryThe surface conditions of Venus are unique in our solar system, where rocks are exposed to a sulfur-rich atmosphere at 460°C and pressures ∼90× that of the surface of the Earth. The Glenn Extreme Environments Rig (GEER), located at NASA Glenn Research Center, is the world's first laboratory vessel to mimic Venus surface conditions (including 9 atmospheric gases) over durations of weeks to months. We placed 13 rock and mineral samples in GEER for 11 and 30 days to observe changes in the samples due to rea...