In reference to my recent paper,* in consequence of criticism received privately from Mr. Ritchie, I re-investigated the use of the manganese dioxide electrode, and discovered a fault in my technique which invalidates the con clusions drawn.This fault was that the electrode was not shielded so as to prevent the muscle from touching a portion of the electrode with which it was not in equilibrium When the tension of the muscle increased there was a tendency for the muscle to straighten between the two points of attachment, and this lifted it, slightly bringing it into contact with a fresh surface of the electrode.I wish, therefore, to acknowledge that the method of investigating living tissues by electrodes, described in my paper, is unsatisfactory, and the results obtained do not indicate the development of acid in the muscle.
Further Experimental Investigations on the Hypertrophy of the Sexual Glands.By A lexander L ip s c iiu t z , M.D., Professor of Physiology, University of Dorpat (in collaboration with D r . Charles W a g n er , D r. R obert T amm and F e l ix B orm ann).