Abstract. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and one of the two major sources
of the Nile river. The water level of Lake Victoria is determined by its
water balance, consisting of precipitation on the lake, evaporation from the
lake, inflow from tributary rivers and lake outflow, controlled by two
hydropower dams. Due to a scarcity of in situ observations, previous estimates
of individual water balance terms are characterized by substantial
uncertainties, which means that the water balance is often not closed
independently. In this first part of a two-paper series, we present a water
balance model for Lake Victoria, using state-of-the-art remote sensing
observations, high-resolution reanalysis downscaling and outflow values
recorded at the dam. The uncalibrated computation of the individual water
balance terms yields lake level fluctuations that closely match the levels
retrieved from satellite altimetry. Precipitation is the main cause of
seasonal and interannual lake level fluctuations, and on average causes the
lake level to rise from May to July and to fall from August to December.
Finally, our results indicate that the 2004–2005 drop in lake level can be
about half attributed to a drought in the Lake Victoria Basin and about half
to an enhanced outflow, highlighting the sensitivity of the lake level to
human operations at the outflow dam.