In recent years, advances in multimedia applicatio ns, services and intellig ent netwo rked appliances have been making ubiquito us ho me enviro nments a reality. Bro adband is beco ming a part o f o ur ho useho ld inf rastructure, in the same way we receive water, g as and electricity. It is envisaged that every device will have a netwo rk interf ace that allo ws it to be accessed and co ntro lled f ro m anywhere in the wo rld. This idea is generating a g reat deal o f interest where so und business mo dels are being develo ped to realise such applicatio ns based o n market and user needs. That will map the f uture directio n o f Internet and ho me techno lo gies. Ho wever, despite the lo ng list o f advantag es o f enabling these cho ices, they pro duced many o ther co nsequences and challenges; no tably, intero perability and the dif f iculties asso ciated with the integratio n o f co mbined f unctio nalities. In this paper we detail o ur appro ach in so lving the intero perability pro blem presented in o ur W ireless Netwo rked Appliances Intero perability Architecture ( W NAIA) . W e present the architecture co mpo nents design and o ur implementatio n details that pro ve the f unctio nality o f the architecture.