8) Tanaka, M.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Nakae, M.; Mlzobuchi, Y.; Shono, T. J . Chromatogr. 1984, 299, 341-350. (9) Tanaka, M.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Shono, T.; Uebori, M.; Kuge, Y. Reversed-phase llquld chromatography followed by solvent extraction with hexamethyleneammonlum hexamethylenedlthlocarbamate (HMA-HMDC) was carrkd out to determlne NI, Pb, Zn, and Cu In standard reference citrus leaves and rice flour. These samples (250 mg) were ashed wlth nltrlc acid and perchloric acid. The metals In the ash were extracted into chloroform as HMDC chelates which were then separated on a C 18 column and rnonltored at 260 nm. This method permitted Separation and determlnatlon of Cd-, NI-, Pb-, Zn-, Cu-, Hg-, Co-, and BI-HMDC chelates. Cd, Hg, Co, and BI could not be detected, but the microgram per gram levels of NI, Pb, Zn, and Cu In the standard blologlcal materials were simultaneously determined wlthln 25 min.