DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2012-302518
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Extremely cold and hot temperatures increase the risk of ischaemic heart disease mortality: epidemiological evidence from China

Abstract: Results indicate that both extremely cold and hot temperatures increase IHD mortality in China. Each city has its characteristics of heat effects on IHD mortality. The policy for response to climate change should consider local climate-IHD mortality relationships.

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Cited by 144 publications
(100 citation statements)
References 37 publications
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“…Medina-Ramón and Schwartz (2007) even argued that decreases in coldrelated mortality as a result of decreasing frequency of extreme cold would compensate for increases in heat-related mortality. In our study, the cold effect appeared more obvious than the heat effect in all city clusters (Table 2), and was consistent with the results of Anderson and Bell (2009), Guo et al (2013), and Ma, Wang et al . Therefore, considering the high sensitivity of population to cold stress, more attention should be paid to both types of extreme events, rather than only heat waves.…”
Section: The Need For a Balanced Focus On Both Cold And Heat Riskssupporting
confidence: 81%
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“…Medina-Ramón and Schwartz (2007) even argued that decreases in coldrelated mortality as a result of decreasing frequency of extreme cold would compensate for increases in heat-related mortality. In our study, the cold effect appeared more obvious than the heat effect in all city clusters (Table 2), and was consistent with the results of Anderson and Bell (2009), Guo et al (2013), and Ma, Wang et al . Therefore, considering the high sensitivity of population to cold stress, more attention should be paid to both types of extreme events, rather than only heat waves.…”
Section: The Need For a Balanced Focus On Both Cold And Heat Riskssupporting
confidence: 81%
“…5). This regional difference in vulnerability is consistent with other studies conducted in Europe, the United States, and China (Curriero et al 2002;Analitis et al 2008;Guo et al 2013;. Among the three city clusters, the BTH region and the PRD had a quicker response to heat stress and cold stress, respectively.…”
Section: Regional Differences In People's Vulnerability To Cold and Hsupporting
confidence: 79%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Scatter plots were drawn to observe the patterns of temperature, the patterns of the incidence of mumps over time, and the crude relationship between temperature and the incidence of mumps. Because the scatter plot showed that the temperature-incidence relationships were nonlinear, and many studies have shown that temperature has a lag effect, [51][52][53] we fitted the distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) to assess the association between The effects of an extremely high value were presented by the RR of the meteorological variables on the incidence of mumps by comparing the 99th to the 90th percentile of each variable.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Логично предположить, что часть случаев ОИМ может быть отнесена к смертности от ИБС (доля аутопсий в Европе составляет около 30%), однако в целом диагноз ИБС соответствует неустановлен-ной кардиальной причине у больного с известным анамнезом ИБС. Закономерно, что результаты исследований, изучающих смертность от ИБС, сопоставимы с таковыми для общей смерт-ности [21,26,[29][30][31]. Смертность от ИБС подвержена действию как низких, так и высоких температур; негативное воздействие жары реализуется быстро, иногда уже в первый день волны, длит-ся обычно в течение нескольких дней; в некоторых случаях дей-ствие волн может быть связано с эффектом смещения, не приво-дя к абсолютному увеличению смертности.…”
Section: терапевтический архив 9 2015unclassified