Wang Zhongke (SIMTech) for their kind suggestions and help. Besides, I appreciate the good working environment, kind assistance, and friendly encouragement from our research group and kind staffs at NTU. And finally, but most of all, I would like to thank my father soul, Ahmad, for his encouragement in my dreams, my mother, Aleme, for her encouragement, support, and love, my dear brothers, Prof. Farahman Farrokhi, Dr. Alireza Farrokhi, and Mr. Mohammad Farrokhi for their constant help, support and encouragement, my best PhD friend, Dr. Dong Jing, for her kindness and friendship. The last thing to say is that I heartily appreciate all your kindness, help, support, and consideration. I really hope all lessons that I have got during my study in NTU/Singapore could help me to build the path into Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds throughout my life. This is my ultimate goal before leaving this planet, Earth.