A Yb-doped silica microcavity laser on a silicon chip is fabricated from a solgel thin film. The high-Q microtoroid cavity, which has a finesse of 10,000, is evanescently coupled to an optical fiber taper. We report a threshold of 1.8 W absorbed power that is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest published threshold to date for any Yb-doped laser. . In addition, the rare-earth aggregate emission spectrum spans many key wavelengths from 0.3 to 3 m that are important for imaging, sensing, medical treatment, and communications. While rareearth lasers have been built in large form factors for high-power laser cutting and defense applications, they can also be designed to be small, low power, and ultrasensitive to the environment. The laser resonator finesse, defined as the free spectral range (FSR) divided by the resonance linewidth, quantifies the loss and hence energy storage efficiency of a resonator. For a given cavity, higher finesse results in lower threshold for lasing. Lacovara et al. measured a 71 mW threshold for a Yb 3+