By harnessing unique quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, quantum computers offer the possibility to drastically outperform classical computers for certain classes of problems. The realization of this potential, however, presents a substantial challenge, because noise and imperfections associated with the materials used to fabricate devices can obscure the delicate quantum mechanical effects that enable quantum computing. Hence, progress in synthesis, characterization, and modeling of materials for quantum computing have driven many exciting advances in recent years and will become increasingly important in the years to come. As progressively more complex, multi-qubit systems come online, and as significant government and industrial investment drives research forward, new challenges and opportunities for materials science continue to emerge. The articles in this issue survey the current state of materials science progress and obstacles for some leading quantum computing platforms; opportunities for deeper involvement by materials scientists abound. Ultimate realization of the full potential of quantum computers will require a multidisciplinary effort spanning many traditional areas of expertise.