Owing to the speedy advances in technology, keeping up with such developments and introducing the latest technology in all areas of life are important. In education, many governments have invested in information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance education. However, Yemen remains behind because of many challenges in introducing ICT in education. Thus, this study aims to examine the factors affecting the use of ICT in teaching from the perspective of Yemeni teaching. This study also proposes a model that considers crucial factors that may affect technology use in education. The researchers use the questionnaire to collect primary data and analyse the collected data by using SmartPLS software. A total of 120 teachers from two public and two private schools from Yemen participated in this study. Findingsshow that easy access to the ICT infrastructure, availability of support from technical support team, time availability, and training for technology use are important factors that impacted on teachers' technology use in Yemen. This study adds to the existing literature by identifying factors accurately on the basis of the tested model. The model proposed in this study may assist the government in determining the factors influencing ICT usage and in exerting efforts into reducing or overcoming the challenges in technology use in teaching amongst school and university teachers. Studies on the most important factors for the successful ICT usage in education sector in the Yemeni context are few. Nonetheless, this study identifies the important factors for the successful application of ICT in education in the Yemen. 1 | INTRODUCTION In all aspects of information and communication technology (ICT), ICT use changed the activities and procedures of each type of business dramatically over the last 20 years. Education is a social activity, with high-quality education historically associated with highly personal communication teachers. ICT use in training paves the way for substantial educational opportunities for students. However, as the world moved rapidly to digital media and information, IT's role in education is becoming increasingly important and will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century (Noor-Ul-Amin, 2013). According to Buabeng-Andoh (2012) many governments started a global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools. Despite all these investments in ICT infrastructure, equipment, and professional development to improve education in many countries, the adoption and integration of ICTs in teaching and learning became limited. Many reasons discourage teachers from using ICT, such as the absence of ICT expertise for teachers; a lack of confidence in teachers; a lack of education for teachers; a lack of adequate services for educators; limited access to ICTs; a rigid traditional education framework. According to Balash, Yong, and Bin Abu (2011), teaching technical resources cannot be limited exclusively to internal factors, including traditions, behaviors or opinions of lecturers. T...