The outbreak of coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) receives much attention globally. On January 30, 2020, WHO has stated it was a global health emergency. The Indonesian Government requiring that all work from home and restricting access to activities outside the home. In the Bali Province, it has had a positive impact on the environment, especially for the amount of waste generation and emissions. The main objectives of this study were to analyse solid waste generation and to provide a review of issues in environmental impact during and before the pandemic of COVID-19 in Bali Province. LCA technique has been used extensively to evaluate the environmental performance of several municipal solid waste management technologies. An LCA study consists of four stages, such as goal and scope, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact analysis, and interpretation. The degraded organic carbon (DOC) value before the pandemic was 0.121 while after the pandemic the DOC reduced to 0.058. Moreover, methane and carbon dioxide production from waste generation per day was counted in this study. The total global warming potential from waste generation has been drastically reduced from 1,859.6 kg CO 2eq /day to 420.8 kg CO 2eq /day.