Measurements of Fataday rotation and of infra-red plasma reflectance have been made at room temperature on n-type polycrystalline samples of GaAs,Sb,-, alloys. Hence effective mass values tn,," for the bottom of the (000) conduction band have been determined. The experimental variation of trl,," with x is compared with the predictions of various models, viz.. ((1) a simple Kane model, (h) the model proposed by Berolo er 01.. and ( c ) the model proposed by Hermann and Weisbuch. It is found that the model of Berolo elril. gives the best fit to theexperimental data.On a fait des mesures d e rotation Faraday et de reflectance plasma infrarouge, a temperature ambiante, sur des echantillons polycristallins de type n d'alliages GaAs,Sb,-,. A partir de ces mesures, on a determine des valeurs de la masse effective ttl,,* pour le bas de la bande de conduction (000). La variation expirimentale de III,," en fonction de s est comparee avec les predictions de differents modeles. soit (0) un modele de Kane simple. (b) le modele propose par Berolo er ril. et (c) le modele propose par Hermann et Weisbuch. On trouve que le modele de Berolo el (11. est celui qui colle le mieux aux donnees experimentales. Can. J. Phys.. 59. 9390981) [Traduit par le journal]Introduction appropriate electron concentrations. The ingots were ~h~ alloy system G~A~, s~,