BACKGROUND: The impacts of physical fatigue upon some facial signs, induced by a whole day work, have been previously described on Caucasian women. This study aimed at assessing those possibly experienced by Chinese working women under comparable conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Standard photographs of 60 Chinese women working in the same company (aged 20-40 years) were taken at three occasions during their working day (just before, at 4 and 8 h). Focusing on facial signs allowed a panel of experts to grade their respective severities, helped by a referential atlas dedicated to Asian skin. A na€ ıve panel, comprising 64 Chinese women (aged 20-60 years) graded, through an analogic 0-45 ans). De plus, teint terne, aspect fatigu e etâge apparent ont et e trouv es etroitement li es. CONCLUSION: En d epit de quelques possibles diff erentes conditions de travail, certains signes faciaux des femmes Chinoises semblent plus affect es par une fatigue induite par une journ ee de travail en milieu urbain que des femmes Caucasiennes dans des conditions comparables.Correspondence: Frederic Flament, L'Or eal Research and Innovation,