AgradecimentosAos meus irmãos Alessandro, Wagner, Charles e Katharinne, obrigada por existirem de forma tão especial na minha vida, vocês traduzem tudo de bom que trago em mim.À minha avó Maria de Lourdes e meu avô José Aurélio (in memoriam), por todo amor, alegria, carinho, generosidade e dedicação à família.Ao meu tio José Maria e às minhas tias Joselma, Maria, Josélia e Lourdinha, pela presença constante e carinhosa, pelo apoio tão importante em todos os momentos de minha vida.À Daniela Lacerda Fernandes, irmã querida que a vida me presenteou.Aos lindos Davi e Larissa, pelos momentos especiais que vivo como tia.Aos queridos Érica, Sílvia, Emília, Élvia, Queninho, Émerson, Leandro e Highor, por todos os momentos de alegria, companheirismo e afetuoso convívio.À Profa. Benedita Lima Cabral, ao Prof. João Silveira Cabral e aos queridos Ana e João por todo afeto e amizade.
Aos amigos
Objective:This study was undertaken to analyze the relation between absent or reverse flow during atrial contraction in the ductus venosus on the day of delivery in pregnancies complicated by absent or reversed enddiastolic flow in the umbilical artery and postnatal outcome. Methods: Postnatal outcome of 103 pregnant women with absent or reversed enddiastolic flow (ARED flow) in the umbilical arteries was retrospectively analyzed from January 1997 to December 2004. In this study, only singleton pregnancies that did not take prenatal steroids and with no fetal anomalies were included. The outcome was analyzed in two groups: Group A (n=20), fetuses with absent or reversed ductus venosus flow during the A-wave and group B (n=83) fetuses with a positive flow. After delivery, the following immediate neonatal outcomes of interest were obtained: gestational age at the time of delivery, 1-and 5-minute Apgar scores, umbilical artery pH and base excess, birth weight, need of orotraqueal intubation, and referral to the neonatal intensive care unit. We have also analyzed the incidence of fetal growth restriction, hyaline membrane disease, pneumotorax, lung hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary displasia, persistence of the arterial channel, sepses, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, fetal plaquetopenia, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, abnormal neurological exam within 24 hours of life, intracranial hemorrhage, seizures, length of hospitalization, postnatal deaths and its causes. Data were compared by chisquare, Fisher's exact test and a Mann-Whitney U test, and the level of significance adopted was of 5%. Results: All newborns were delivered by cesarean section. The average gestational age at birth was 30 weeks in group A and 30,9 in group B (P= 0.23). Fetuses of the group A presented lower birth weight (831g vs 1105g, P< 0.001), lower Apgar score at first (85% vs 20%, P= 0.001), and at fifth minutes (45% vs 10.7%, P =0.001), higher incidence of orotraqueal intubation (100% vs 48.1%, P= 0.001) than fetuses of group B. Group A had also more cases of acidosis (93% vs 36%, P<0.001), lung hemorrhage (40% vs 16,8%, P=0,03), plaquetopenia (65%...