Alcohol and other drug (AOD) use is common in Australia with significant health and community impacts. General practitioners (GP) often see people with AOD use; however, there is little research to understand how specialist AOD services could assist GPs in the management of patients with AOD issues.
Thirty‐five GPs working in general practice in a metropolitan area in Sydney in New South Wales, Australia, participated in one of three focus groups. The groups were recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed.
The five themes raised by participants were: GP personal agency and interest in AOD issues; GP education and training gaps; improving pathways between GP and specialist AOD services; easier access to AOD specialist advice; and improving access to collaborative care for patients with complex AOD presentations. Participants requested education on screening, assessing, managing AOD issues, focused on alcohol, stimulants and high‐risk prescription medicines. They suggested better referral processes, discharge summaries and care planning for complex presentations. Participants wanted easy access to specialist advice and suggested collaborative care assisted by experienced AOD liaison nurses.
Discussion and Conclusions
Australia has several existing programs; online referral pathways and specialist phone advice, that address some of the issues raised. Unfortunately, many participants were not aware of these. GP education must be supported by multiple processes, including durable referral pathways, ready access to local specialist advice, clear communication (including patient attendance and a treatment plan), care planning and written summaries.