When thymidine diphospho-~-[~-~~C]glucosewas incubated with a cell-free extract from a streptomycin-producing strain of Xtreptomyces griseus in the presence of NADPH, radioactive dTDP-dihydrosteptose was formed in addition to radioactive dTDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose and dTDP-rhamnose. Dihydrostreptose was identified by chromatographic, gas chromatographic and electrophoretic comparison with synthetic dihydrostreptose characterized by its nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum.2. dTDP-dihydrostreptose is very labile and decomposes to dihydrostreptose monophosphate and further t o free dihydrostreptose.3. dTDP-dihydrostreptose and dTDP-rhamnose were also obtained when dTDP-4-keto 6-deoxyglucose was the substrate of the reaction. Dihydrostreptose synthesis could be inhibited completely by 1 mM p-chloromercuribenzoate, whereas rhamnose formation was not inhibited.4. I n the course of fermentation the activities of arginine : x-itmidinotransferase, an enzyme involved in streptomycin biosynthesis, and of the enzymatic activity for dTDP-dihydrostreptose formation ran parallel and reached a maximum before onset of streptomycin formation. 5. A good correlation between the activity of "dTDP-dihydrostreptose synthase", arginine : x-amidinotransferase activity and streptomycin production was found in several strains of S . griseus. No dihydrostreptose formation could be detected in a hydroxystreptomycin-producing strain of S . griseocarneus. 6 . Streptomycin but not dihydrostreptomycin could be detected in the fermentation medium of the S. griseus strain used for preparation of the cell-free extract. The role of dTDP-dihydrostreptose in streptomycin biosynthesis is at present unknown.Through studies in vivo with labeled precursors it was shown that L-streptose (5-deoxy-3-C-formyl-L-lyxo-aldopentofuranose) in streptomycin is derived from D-glucose by a rearrangement of the hexose chain in which C-3 of glucose becomes the 3-C-formyl branch [1,2]. On the basis of the observation that thymidine diphospho -mannose (dTDP -mannose) and dTDP-rhamnose occur in Streptomyces griseus [3] and that cell-free preparations from this organism can convert both dTDP-glucose and dTDP-mannose into dTDP-rhamnose [4], it was suggested that the biosynthesis of streptose and that of rhamnose are related. So far, however, neither nucleotides containing streptose nor a cell-free system for streptose formation have been found. I n this communication we report on an enzyme preparation from S. griseus catalyzing the NADPH-dependent formation of a Eur. J. Biochem. 43 (1974)