Scintillation of radio signals from earth satellites has b een studied for fiv e years during the d ecli ning phase of the sunspot cycle. It is found that the character of the scintillation, and thus, pr obably, of the ionospheric irregularities that cause them, var y systematically with geo magnetic latitud e, season of t he year, time of day, and phase of the s unspot cycle. Night time scintillation occurs in the F-l'eg ion, mainly at heights of about 350 km. This type of scintillation in most cases res ults from firs t-order scattering from weak, fi eld-alin ed irregularities in electron d ensity. In the Northern H em isphere such scintillations are observed north of a certain parallel of geo magnet ic latitud e, the so uthern limit varying weakly with magnetic activity. Simi lar effects arc a lso observed in the Sout h ern H emisphere. Daytim e sc intillations also sholV stro ng seasonal and s un spot-cycle depe nd ence but very little latit ud e d ep end ence.The scintillation observations of the present investigation have been compared with observation s of other manifestations of ionospheric irregularities, p articularly spread-F and radio "star" sci ntillation. It has been observed that s trong scintillation occurs simultan eously ,,-ith the occurrence of red auroral ar cs. Scintillat ion , b eing more common than red arcs, may be a more sensitive indicator of ionospher ic disturban ces.