A static memory cell (SRAM) based on the field-effect diode (FED) is presented, and its operation is explained with the help of numerical device simulations. Although this new cell resembles the thin-capacitively coupledthyristor (TCCT) SRAM cell in concept and operation, it is nevertheless characterized by significant advantages. These advantages derive from the fact that the thyristorlike mode of operation of the FED is gate induced, whereas the TCCT is an actual built-in thyristor. The operation of the cell is explained with the help of suitable timing diagrams, and the mechanisms of storing 1 and 0 are analyzed with detailed numerical simulations. In one operation scheme (where the cell could better be termed quasi-SRAM), a sequence of restore pulses is periodically applied after the cell is put on Hold, which ensures that the stored data remain valid for as long as the cell is powered ON. High read 0/1 current margin, fast write/read time, and densely packed cells are among the cell advantages obtained.Index Terms-SOI, Field-effect diode (FED), SRAM, thin-capacitively coupled thyristor (TCCT), thyristor.