Eight hundred and forty one undergraduate students in seven countries (China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, United Kingdom and United States) completed a questionnaire examining perceptions of transwomen (on a transacceptance-transprejudice continuum). The aim was to identify factors underlying transacceptance-transprejudice, and relationships among them. Five factors were identified (MENTAL-ILLNESS, DENIAL-WOMEN, SOCIAL-REJECTION, PEER-REJECTION, SEXUAL-DEVIANCE). MENTAL-ILLNESS (the belief that transwomen were mentally Mark King and others for data entry; to Pattaranit "Bhom" Imampai for questionnaire translation into Thai; and to the Clinic of Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul, and Dr. Fiona Kim for support in conducting field research in Thailand. 96 Sam Winter et al. 97ill) was the most powerful underlying factor, linked to other aspects of transprejudice. We discuss implications for the debate on depathologization of gender variance, and for transprejudice worldwide.