Landing gear is the critical subsystem of an aircraft. The need is to design the landing gear with minimum weight & volume, high performance, improved life & reduced life cycle cost. Further, it is essential to reduce the landing gear design and developmen time while meeting all the regulatory & safety requirements. This includes the design and analysis of a medium size transport aircraft landing gear unit. A typical landing load case will be assumed for which structural analysis will be carried out. During landing, there will be three different types of loads viz., vertical load, drag load & side load. Each of these loads will cause axial compression, bending and torsion on the strut of the landing gear. the energy from the impact of landing numerical type simulation has become highly invaluable tool for the assessment of the landing gear type dynamics also as well as of aircraft landing structure gear interaction. This paper also describes the normal structure review of a simple landing-gear structure model system, and which is accurately simulates with the energy system absorbed by the gear without the adding substantial structure and complexity with the model. it carries the structure aircraft weight at all require ground operations, including, landing, take off, taxiing, and towing. Many type model includes nonlinear structure effects such as a velocity type squared related high damping, poly tropic gas law, stick-slip friction, a geometry governed with the high model structure for the high discharge type coefficients and methods, effects a nonlinear spring and damping model structure.