“…It is based on a finite element (FE) subproblem (SP) method (SPM) with magnetostatic and magnetodynamic problems solved in a sequence on different adapted meshes [1]- [5], from simple 1-D models up to accurate 3-D models, in a large frequency range, of the magnetic circuits and their windings (stranded or massive coils). Each step of the SPM aims at improving the solution obtained at previous steps via any coupling of the following changes, defining model refinements: change from ideal to real (with leakage flux) flux tubes [1], change from 1-D to 2-D to 3-D [2], change of material properties [1]- [3] (e.g., from linear to nonlinear), change from perfect to real materials [4], change from single wire to volume conductor windings [4], [5], and newly developed change from homogenized [6] to fine models (cores as lamination stacks and coils as wire or foil windings, with the details affecting their high frequency behaviors). The methodology involves and couples numerous techniques that have been developed by the authors and, up to now, only applied for simplified test problems [1]- [5].…”